Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Better You...Becoming The Best

You are created for movement!
You are created to increase...
You are created to improve...
Stagnation is deadly....
When you stop moving you stop living.

Every day is a gift from God .
You are surrounded with opportunities to grow, improve and increase.
Everything you needed for your success is already around you...

A Better You
...the Process start with ASKing right questions.You must search for right questions. The 3 letter word ASK is so very powerful and it represents for 3 Actions. 3 Actions you must take immediately to Improve you...A Better you will evolve as you take 3 these 3 actions.

1. A- Ask.... Ask right questions...interrogate your environment...Answers will emerge when you ASK the right questions. Answers are servants to Questions. Your mind is a magnificent and powerful....when you ask, your mind will start the research and compilation of answers for you... So put your mind to work. Take a moment and think for right questions.
How Can I become the Best?
How Can I Improve myself?
Who is capable of teaching me?
Where can I gather more information?
What are the 7 things I must do now to create a great change in my Life?
What technology(electronic device) will help me organized and Increase my Productivity?

Start a JOURNAL today..Just to document your questions.

2. S- Seek... You must Start Searching...Look everywhere...Look diligently...
Look above for Guidance
Look below to see where you standing
Look on your right to see who is for you
Look on your left to see who is against you
Look ahead to see your future...possiblilities...opportunities...

Search for
- books that will inform you...
- Friends who will cheer for you...
- Mentors who will guide you...
- People who will inspire you...
- Technology that will help you organize..

Surely, Searching is another Key to Becoming The Best!

3. K- Knock.... You must knock on the doors...Doors rarely open without knocking. You should never stop knocking...persistence is the key to Success.
Knock with Passion...
Knock with persuasion....
Knock with expectation...The Door will open!!!
Knocking means you are accessing the knowledge base around you...Your friends, teachers, banker, your boss, your co-worker, Internet, telephone directory and news papers are some examples.

A Better You...requires all of you!
A Better You...requires Passion and Pursuit
A Better You...is a process, so need patience to obtain.
A Better You...is a magnet to attract right people in your life.
A Better You...is an eliminator...disconnecting wrong people from your Life.

Now you are informed...You can not fail...Move towards "The Better You" today!
[Please take a moment to post your comments- Thanks. Mr. Inspiration]