Monday, July 21, 2008

You Are Responsible For Your Success!!

A Better You Start With You!
The Blame game is over...
You are responsible for your success..
You can be your Best Friend or Worst Enemy... Choose one today!

No one care about you like you is the reality!
You must take care of your body, soul and spirit...
You can not wait for someone to give a high five and pat on your shoulder...
No one stop to sing high praises or "How great thou art" 

If you want to become better than yesterday... you better get up from your mess...
Stop whining and crying... Stop blaming others...
Learn from your mistakes... make a covenant with yourself that you will not repeat those mistakes again... Your Decision to change your mess into a powerful message start now!

You must learn to talk to yourself...
Find a mirror and start the conversation...
No one but only you know how to talk to you... how to inspire you... motivate you..
You better decide what you want to talk to you...if not others will...!!

You must develop the vocabulary of  an achiever...
Refuse the language and the vocabulary of your past and present....
Embrace the vocabulary of the place you are going...vocabulary of a Better You... The Uncommon Achiever!!
So stop saying the words of a victim and start talking like a victorious.

Get some 3X5 cards...write down the phrases and sentences that motivates you!
Read them in front of a mirror... repeat them several times until you start believe them...
The Result will be phenomenal.. you will notice the transformation taking place in your being
You will never be the same!!!

You Are Responsible for your Success....
Stop being your Worst Enemy....Start being your great friend
Know today " A Better You Start With You"!!!

[ I would love to hear how this little not impacted your life. would you please take a moment and comment? Also, invite your friends to read this note as well. Thank you.]

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